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Online and In-house Training


Since 1999 we have been offering seminars on a wide variety of topics, mainly for public administration.

To meet the need of the digital age for more knowledge about databases, DbAdminPro has emerged from the municipal and management consultancy Robert Roller.

We introduce you to the world of databases.

Find your Seminar:

Adaptable to your wishes at any time

Our topics at a glance:

Oracle  I  PL/SQL  I  Python  I  Oracle Apex  I  SQL Server I PostgreSQL I Access I MySQL I Powershell I Excel I Azure I …




Structured Query Language
The database language for relational databases
Administration of the database management system
The database system + the proprietary programming language
Microsoft SQLServer
Database administration
Database administration
Q6 2021
London Office
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Content of the Seminars

Click here to view a complete list of SQL seminars
SQL is the standard query language for relational databases. We conduct a general introductory seminar (basics of databases, relational model, constraints ) as well as product-specific seminars for the following databases: – Oracle – SQL Server – PostgreSQL – MySQL
For a complete list please click
Participants will learn the basics of installing and administering the database instance. These seminars are exclusively product specific for: – Oracle – SQL Server – PostgreSQL – MySQL
For a complete list please click
Programming can be done in many languages! On the one hand we offer a basic seminar, which covers the basics (variables, input-output, algorithms) and on the other hand of course product specific seminars for: – Python – .NET (Visual Basic) – VBA – Java – C++ – Powershell.